Site Updated Friday, 06 October 2006
Greetings fellow SPIKEMANIACS!
up to 10,000 visitors... That makes me happy. :) Nice
to know that there are still a few people out there that
still patron this site...
know it's been forever since an update, and I apologize.
School kinda took over. In the end, it paid off. I'm an
officially graduated Graphic Designer. I don't like to
brag... Oh, who am I kidding ::giggles:: I finished with
a 4.0 GPA and am valedictoiran of my class. Won a few
awards, one of which was 1st place for
a magazine cover design I had done. Might have to post
that up here at some point...
going to try and get some decent stuff up here, besides
just an updated look to the layout. In the mean time,
if I don't talk to you all before then, I would like to
wish you all a happy and safe Samhain. As long as you
all keep visiting, I'll keep this site alive...
Anyways, thats about it for now. Enjoy your stay here
at SPIKEMANIA and above all, remember the vampire who
made this site all possible... Spike.
Spikefully yours,
SPIKEMANIA Web Misstress