Having trouble finding a specific Buffy or Angel book? Barnes and Noble
has a huge selection of books, most of which will ship in about twenty-four hours. They also carry the complete season
box sets and soundtracks. Offers free shipping on orders over $25. Ships UPS.
Looking for that hard to find Buffy of Angel action figure? This place
has got 'em! Has ornaments and mini busts. Also ships UPS.
Official Fan Club site to both Buffy and Angel. Carries some hard to
find merchandise such as the RPG books. Also has T-shirts and the like.
James Marsters' Official Web Site. Contains info on appearances and such.
"All Things Philosophical on BtVS." A fun site that looks deeper into the heart of Buffy
and Angel. Perfect for those who have to over analyze things. Contains Discussion Boards and other bits
of info that will make you go, "Oh. Now I get it."